Details of a crowdfunding campaign

To learn how to see the details of a crowdfunding campaign, check monitor the existing crowdfunding campaigns.

Token details:

  • Name of the token

  • Code of the token

  • Owner (email of the owner of a crowdfunding campaign)

  • Pre-Issued asset signer (public key of the token issuer)

  • Max issuance amount (the maximum possible amount of tokens to be issued)

  • Pending issuance (the number of tokens that are yet to be issued after the admin approval)

  • Issued (the number of tokens that have already been issued)

  • Available for issuance (the number of tokens that can be possibly issued (Max issuance amount Issued amount ))

  • Policies (Transferable and Requires KYC. To learn more, check properties of user-issued tokens)

  • Terms (a pdf document that states the terms of use for the token)

Fund details:

  • Name of the crowdfunding campaign (aka tokensale)

  • State of the crowdfunding campaign (open, closed, cancelled)

  • Owner (email of the owner of the crowdfunding campaign)

  • Start time of the crowdfunding campaign

  • End time of the crowdfunding campaign

Progress (in a specific asset):

The investment progress in the asset in which the owner of the campaign accepts investments in. The owner defines this when creating a crowdfunding campaign. Note: not all assets can be used as investments but only those with the base asset property. Admins define this parameter during the creation of a system asset.

  • Price per 1 user-issued token that’s been put up for sale

  • Current cap (how much has been invested with the specific asset)

  • Total current cap (how much has been invested in total with all the assets that the owner accepts investments in)

  • Hardcap of the crowdfunding campaign

Total progress

The investment progress in total.

  • Tokens sold (the number of tokens that have been already sold)

  • Current cap (how much USD (for example) has been invested in total. Note: the asset in which this cap is displayed is called stats quote asset and is defined by the admin during the creation of a system asset.)

  • Soft cap of the crowdfunding campaign

  • Hard cap of the crowdfunding campaign

Short description

A short text that describes the crowdfunding campaign.

Last updated