Review the crowdfunding campaign creation request
Only available to admins with the user asset manager right.
Step 1. In the navigation bar, go to Funds Step 2. Go to the Funds requests tab Step 3. Optionally, enter the following search parameters in the corresponding boxes:
State (pending, canceled, approved, rejected, permanently rejected)
Requestor (an address of a user who created the request)
Step 4. Select the desired crowdfunding campaign creation request Step 5. On the Manage fund request page review the request:
Details (of a crowdfunding campaign creation request)
Full description (a text and video that describes the underlying concept of the particular crowdfunding campaign)
Corporate user (information about the creator of the crowdfunding campaign)
Step 6. Click Approve/Reject
In case you clicked Reject:
Step 7. In the dialogue box, in the Reject reason box, enter the reject reason Step 8. Select/clear the Reject permanently check box (if you select, then this specific crowdfunding campaign could not ever be created) Step 9. Click Reject/Cancel
Last updated
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