Properties of system assets
All of the following properties can either be switched on or off. You select/clear the corresponding check boxes when creating the system asset and can update the properties at any time later.
Transferable. The token can be transferred from one account to another. If the property is not selected, users will be able to trade this token but will not be able to transfer it between the accounts.
Base asset. Base assets can be invested in the crowdfunding campaigns of corporate users. Example: If among all assets on the platform you only mark Bitcoin and Ethereum as base assets, then all users will be able to invest in the crowdfunding campaigns with BTC and ETH exclusively.
Stats quote asset. An asset in which users see their balances on the dashboard. Note: Only one asset on the platform can be marked as the stats quote asset. Example: You have specified USD as the stats quote asset. When a user accesses the dashboard and, for example, selects ‘BTC’, then he/she will see two balances: BTC balance and the corresponding amount of money but in USD.
Withdrawable. The token can be withdrawn from the platform.
Two step withdrawal. This property significantly increases the security parameter because the withdrawal operation is performed in two steps.
Requires KYC. An asset that can only be operated (traded/transferred) by the users who passed the KYC procedure. If selected, unverified users will not be able to operate with this token and even receive any amount of it on their wallets.
Last updated
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