Reset user account to unverified
Generally, there are two ways you can reset user account to unverified: via KYC requests or via Users.
Via KYC requests
Step 1. In the navigation bar, go to KYC requests Step 2. Optionally, enter the following search parameters in the corresponding boxes:
Email of the requestor
State of the request: approved
Account ID of the requestor
Step 3. Select the desired KYC request
Step 4. Click Reset to unverified
Note: you can only reset if a user account has been previously updated to one of the verified types (General or Corporate). To learn more, check types of accounts.
Via Users
Step 1. In the navigation bar, go to Users
Step 2. Optionally, enter the following search parameters in the corresponding boxes:
Email of the user
Account ID of the user
Step 3. Select the desired user account (that has been previously reviewed and updated to verified) Step 4. In the bottom of User details form, click Reset user to unverified Step 5. In the dialogue box, in the Reject reason box, enter the reason of your reject Step 6. Click Reject
Last updated
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