Max price step
Max price step is the percent range in which the price of a trading pair will be able to fluctuate.
Example: If you have created the ETH/USD pair and specified the price of a trading pair as 250 and max price step as 10, then the range in which the price per 1 ETH will be able to fluctuate is +- $25 (25 is 10 percent of 250).
You can enable/disable this rule by selecting/clearing the current price restrictioncheck box when you create the asset pair or update the asset pair policies.
Note: the physical price correction value is of the higher priority than the max price step value. This means that if the price of a trading pair is 250 and you specified the physical price correction value as 230, then the price won’t go lower this point even despite that max price step rule states that price can fluctuate +- $25.
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